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Additional Resources

Are you having trouble keeping track of symptoms, appointments, and the choas that can go hand-in-hand-with IIH? IIH Patient Nicole Rodriguez (@kindlycollab) has created some resources to help you keep track.

Why you might need to see a neurosurgeon

Neurosurgeons are trained to diagnose and treat disorders of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system. They also treat and manage conditions that affect the flow of blood to and within the brain. A neurosurgeon is able to perform surgery and invasive procedures that help alleviate symptoms of IIH such as a lumbar puncture and the placement of a shunt. If a neurosurgeon is dual trained as a neurointerventionalist, they can also perform minimally invasive procedures such as venous manometry and venous sinus stenting.

How to find the right one:

Because of how specialized this field of medicine is, most insurance companies will not allow you to see a neurosurgeon without a referral from your primary care physician or other specialist. Some insurance companies may only allow you to see a handful of providers in your area. If you find a provider that is comfortable managing IIH, you can call his or her practice to see how they can help you through the referral process.

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