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A Discussion on Fulminant IIH

Dr. Fargen and Dr. Boddu share their expertise with fulminant IIH and possible treatment options.

On February 28th, 2023, Dr. Kyle Fargen discussed Fulminant IIH. As a neurosurgeon and neurointerventionalist, he has many years of experience in treating patients with IIH. He is published in many articles regarding the treatment and management of IIH and is author of the book: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Explained: A Guide for Patients and Families.

Fulminant IIH is when a person with IIH has rapid progression of the disease process. Symptoms suddenly occur and progress rapidly, within days to weeks. Fulminant IIH needs to be treated emergently as permanent vision loss and brain damage can occur if left untreated or not properly treated.

Dr. Srinkath Boddu was the moderator for this discussion and contributed his expertise as a neurosurgeon and neurointerventionalist in treating patients with IIH.

In case you missed it, you can watch the entire video here.

Here is a brief summary of this in-depth 1 hour lecture on Fulminant IIH:

  • Patients with fulminant IIH can present with unequal vision loss.
  • In cases with Fulminant IIH, strongly consider venous sinus stenting. This is preferred over placement of a LP or VP shunt.
  • If a lumbar puncture is chosen to temporize the symptoms of IIH, care to not remove too much cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as this can make venous sinus stenting technically difficult.
  • If venous sinus stent placement is decided, consider the pro’s and con’s of dual antiplatelets therapy for the patient.

Thank you Dr. Fargen and Dr. Boddu for your time and expertise. If you would like a patient’s perspective on fulminant IIH, please read our patient story featuring Kavya Poornima Balajepalli.

Our next lecture on March 17th at 11am EST on how Neuro-Ophthalmologists contribute to the diagnosis and management of IIH. Click here to register.

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