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Additional Resources

Are you having trouble keeping track of symptoms, appointments, and the choas that can go hand-in-hand-with IIH? IIH Patient Nicole Rodriguez (@kindlycollab) has created some resources to help you keep track.

Why you might need to see An Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor

An Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor or Otolaryngologist specialize in disorders of the ear, nose and throat. They are surgeons who can repair of CSF rhinorrhoea or otorrhoea or endoscopic optic nerve decompression, found in patients with IIH. They also treat pulsatile tinnitus, a symptom described as a whoosing sound that can be disabling. For some time, pulsatile tinnitus as been associated with venous sinus stenosis and can be treated with venous sinus stenting.

Reading material


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Pulsatile Tinnitus with Dr. Matthew Amans

April 9 @ 2:00 pm ET