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Nutritional Healing & Listening To Your Body

Join Amy Medling from PCOS Diva for a talk with Dr. Jennifer Mayes about her fantastic healing success using the PCOS Diva Jumpstart program & Meal Plans.

Dr. Jennifer Mayes is a Professor of English at a community college in Tennessee. She began her journey with PCOS at a very young age. Besides being an advocate for health and continuing to research and live with PCOS, she also has a YouTube channel, Magical Muses & Monthly Musings, dedicated to her love for makeup and skincare supportive of a PCOS-friendly lifestyle.  She documents her journey with health on her Instagram, @jenniferhealthwarrior, and she and her husband, Alex, love to travel and explore new cultures and foods that broaden her understanding of what living with PCOS really means for women everywhere.

Tune in as they discuss:

  • The negative effects of birth control and mainstream medications on her health
  • Why Weight Watchers didn’t work for her – long term
  • Why the PCOS Diva Jumpstart worked for her Her journey from 269 to 121 pounds
  • Listening to subtle body cues Anxiety management Mindset factors for success

Listen to the podcast.

Read more on PCOS Diva.

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“I know everyone says to trust your gut, so I’ll say trust your headache. Your pain is real, and ‘borderline-ish’ does not serve anyone.”
“Knowing your diagnosis and following the latest science and research is crucial in a world where you will encounter medical professionals who have never seen an IIH case.”

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