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We Would Love to Hear Your Thoughts

With your feedback, we make new goals for our website and media outlets for 2024. 

It has been almost two years since we launched our website, IIH-Hub.com. At first, our goal was to spread awareness of the neurological condition, IIH. With tremendous support from the IIH community, we were able to grow our social media outreach. Last year we were able to hold a  monthly webinar educating patients and providers on IIH-related topics. 

As your thoughts and opinions are invaluable to us, we would like to send you a survey to see if we are on the right track and how we can improve. We would also like to know if you were able to attend our webinars and what topics we could host in the future. 

If you don’t subscribe, we also have a bimonthly newsletter packed with IIH-related information.

With your feedback, we make new goals for our website and media outlets for 2024. 

Thank you in advance for your participation and look out for our survey next week. 


The team at IIH-Hub

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You are not alone

This hub is filled with resources to help you navigate IIH. Sign up for our mailing list to receive monthly updates about new tools and resources.

Patient stories

“I know everyone says to trust your gut, so I’ll say trust your headache. Your pain is real, and ‘borderline-ish’ does not serve anyone.”
“Knowing your diagnosis and following the latest science and research is crucial in a world where you will encounter medical professionals who have never seen an IIH case.”

Like what you are seeing?

Join our next webinar.

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IIH Practitioner Series

Join our June webinar to discuss GLP1’s and its impact on patients with obesity.

June 24 at 9:30 am ET