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Helpful tips for this holiday season

If you or a loved one has IIH, here are some helpful tips to prepare for the holidays:

  • If you are traveling, bring your medications, make sure you have enough to last your entire trip and a few extra days. During the holidays, doctors and pharmacies are on shortened hours and are likely short-staffed. If you are in a different state, you can call your pharmacy to have your prescription transferred to a location nearest to you.
  • If you have a lumbar or ventriculoperitoneal shunt, let your physician know where you are traveling to, they might be able to connect you with a provider in the area to help if any trouble with your shunt arises.
  • Stay hydrated. Traveling and alcohol are big culprits in causing dehydration which in turn can trigger a headache or migraine.
  • Bring a dish. Preparing your own food can ensure it doesn’t have any ingredients that may trigger a migraine or go against any dietary restrictions you may have.
  • Don’t stuff yourself. Staying 80% full will allow some room for dessert. Overeating can cause fatigue and increased caloric intake. Eating foods with protein before foods with sugar can help keep your appetite and blood sugar in line. Eating foods high in protein and fiber will allow just enough room to eat complex carbohydrates and starches without overindulging.
  • Stay active. Go for a casual walk after meals, participate in outdoor activities or a family dance-off; guaranteed to bring plenty of smiles.
  • Get rest. It is okay to take a break from all of the fun for some quiet time or a midday nap. You will feel refreshed and ready for more holiday activities. It’s also great for your mental health.

Have fun! Wishing you and your loved one a healthy, happy holiday season.

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“I know everyone says to trust your gut, so I’ll say trust your headache. Your pain is real, and ‘borderline-ish’ does not serve anyone.”
“Knowing your diagnosis and following the latest science and research is crucial in a world where you will encounter medical professionals who have never seen an IIH case.”

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Indications for Intracranial Stenting

July 31 @ 6:00 pm ET